Monday, October 22, 2007

Chemin de Fer de la Mure

So much of saying that I will stay put in Grenoble this weekend. I was off to this small village called La Mure, about 1 hour of bus ride away from Grenoble. So what's interesting in this place? Well, it hosts one of the first few electric trains in France and at the present moment, this train runs along one of the most scenic routes in the Alpes, before terminating at another village called St. George's de Commiers. It was indeed beautiful, but it was difficult to take photos as the train was packed due to its popularity as a Sunday outing for families (amazingly a lot of kids in my compartment!). The train ride itself was only 1.5 hours. We reached one hour earlier and had 2 hrs to kill before catching our bus back. The weather was so cold that my fingers started to hurt and they became numb after a while. We were totally unprepared for this!!

L-R: Entrance to the train station, the first electric train in France

June, Eugene and I goofing around

L-R: What is June doing in the gents?, Eugene trying to juggle with 3 grapes

L-R: June and her newly found best friend, Eugene and I (all inside the train)

L-R: views from inside the train

Majestic Viaduct

Magnificent View

More breathtaking views

L-R: June babysitting, Le Drac (a random river)

L-R: Being adventurous and venturing into prohibited zone

L-R: Past (locomotive), Present (electric) , Future (high-speed trains, eg. TGV)

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